Notes By: Sister Makeba Shaw
New unit for this week (9 weeks)
Praying for spiritual growth and maturity in the body of Christ
Ephesians 1:17-19- praying for insight
Colossians 1:9-10- praying for the knowledge of God’s will
Continue to pray daily and for your partner.
Question: What does spiritual growth look like?
Tonight’s Lesson:
- Spiritual growth is foundational for a thriving ministry
- Paul’s example for praying for wisdom, understanding and knowledge is for the believers.
- His prayer is to the early church and his desire for them to grow spiritually
- The importance piece of prayer is to understand His will and walk in a manner that’s worthy of God
Next week’s lesson: Praying for strength and endurance in faith
Ephesians 3:16-19
Isaiah 40:29-31
- Identify someone outside of your partner within the ministry and commit to praying for their spiritual growth
- Write a personalized prayer inspired by Paul’s prayer