Week 4 (Homework)

Week 4 Homework

***Read carefully, there are multiple parts to this assignment***

Leave a comment on TWO of the groups that shared last week, and tell us why this new life is a necessity/important? Read St. John 3:3-6 and discuss this scripture with your partner. Write about what this scripture means to you.

13 thoughts on “Week 4 (Homework)”

  1. Give to others when in need , if you are able to . Take care of your sister and brothers .

    Believing in Christ get you the gift , believing in him and trusting him .

  2. Having faith that we are forgiven for our sins because God gave his only son that we may be free from the bondage of sin and live a life glorifying to God. We can find Joy in knowing that in God we are forgiven and our sins are washed away because of God’s mercy and his grace, and sharing this good news with others that God is still in the business of forgiveness, healing, setting free and a relationship.

    “Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God’s glory.”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

  3. Sin came through Adam and Salvation came through Jesus !! Therefore one man’s disobedience caused many to sin but Jesus’s Obedience to God gave us another chance to be in right standing with our Heavenly Father and be born again of the spirit freeing us from the bondage of sin.

  4. I wanted to comment on Sister Katrina’s message on being mindful of how we use our bodies and what we put into our bodies.

  5. Tamika Bierlein

    God sacrificed his only begotten son to save our souls. If God is willing to show that much love to us we must show our love to our fellow man.

  6. Tamika Bierlein

    Both groups did a great job! Grace is a gift that God freely gives. It is hard to imagine a no-strings-attached gift, but that is what God gives us with our salvation.

  7. We receive it by faith…. I loved how All 4 of the ladies talked about faith….. And as we all know…. We receive any & everything we need from God…. By faith!!! Faith is trust/believing what God says or I’ll say it is trusting what he says more than we trust our own word… I think we have to believe God enough to act & talk as if his word is true even when things get rocky we still have to keep the faith & trust God word!!!

    1. I 100% agree with you sister Erika. I feel as though I definitely need to apply this to my life now. Knowing when life starts to lifeing I have to continue to walk and talk like I know God has my back because he does!

  8. We are saved by grace… Eph 2:8-9 Minister Blue always illustrates & defines what he is saying to make sure we all have a clear understanding….. for it is by grace you have been saved!!! if it wasn’t from Grace alone meaning that Gods love,forgiveness & God saving us… We wouldn’t be who we are today its all from the work of God!!!🙌🏾

  9. Brea Dethrow-Thomas

    We receive it by faith- faith is a tough concept to conceptualize but these groups broke it down in such a way that I will remember it forever in my heart.

    We are saved by grace- both groups used excellent examples that I could apply to my life to know that I am saved. Thank you for delivering the word in a way I could understand.

  10. Christ has paid the price:- 1Cor. 6:20, 7:23.
    I loved responses of both groups! The reference to the recent sermon “How much more, so much more!”

  11. Sin came through Adam, but Life came through Jesus:- Rom. 5:15-19
    I really appreciate the comparison of Adam and God. The components of how Adam’s sin displayed God’s grace and mercy! ❤️❤️

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